A downloadable game

What is Twenty four Bones? It was written as an adventure module for any Tabletop Roleplaying Game System that you enjoy. To play you will need the dice from the game whose Rules you will use, paper, pencil and your imagination.

You may choose to play this game with friends as a group or solo. It is pretty flexible and is adaptable to most systems. You may also choose to use additional documents and or any other paraphernalia as you wish, to enhance the game play.

There is no wrong way to play this game. It was created for your enjoyment.


24badv.pdf 26 MB

Development log


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I really like how your attributes are resources you spend to get bonuses on your rolls. I had thought about making attribute pools into resources like that to represent, like, getting tired as you travel. I’ll have to play this to see how it works!

Thanks, for checking it out. Let me know how the play goes.  I think attribute pools are a good way to go. Any feedback is much appreciated.  

I converted this into a module, but am writing a new point based game now.